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Federal Resources

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), administered by the states, provides core funding to local agencies to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities and empower low-income families to become self-sufficient.

The U.S. Administration of Children and Families, Office of Community Services, administers federal Community Service Block Grant funding. A statutory formula determines how much CSBG funding is provided to each state; in turn, states fund their statewide network of local entities with 90 percent of their CSBG grant award.

These local entities include, but are not limited to, municipal and county governments, migrant and seasonal farm worker organizations, and Community Action Agencies (CAAs).

The local entities provide services and activities that address employment, education, improved financial management, housing, nutrition, emergency services, and/or health care.

Typically, their services include employment training and placement, income management, education, emergency services, health, nutrition, transportation, housing assistance, and providing linkages among anti-poverty programs.

In New Jersey, the Department of Community Affairs administers CSBG funding.

CSBG Fact Sheet